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Thanks for the reply!
Dear Numi,thanks for the links, Dear Auschaos thanks for the idea. Dear Zipserin. Dear Tantemausohr I'm trying to understand everything in this forum but it is not easy. My husband has not changed, that is bad. I do not even know what to do. Ich versuche das nächstmal Deutsch schreiben hier. Lesen is ok aber schreiben is nicht so easy.
best Kathrin
dear kathrin,
see numi writes to most of the partners that they should find something they can change themselves instead to expect that the one with the big problem needs to change.
you expect from your husband to Change himself, but what Options can yoou find to Change Habits of yourself which may influence your husband in a way you would like him to have? this is a big challenge for everybody, but it seems to me thay way which might work instead of waiting until the other starts handling (if he is able to).
what would you do if your husband would be an alkoholic? you can watch and take care of yourself that he is not aggressive. take care of yurself now and react to the Shopping situaiton.
bye sonja
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